This is a port to Python of
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\National Instruments\NI-DAQ\Examples\DAQmx ANSI C\Analog In\Measure Voltage\Cont Acq-Int Clk
using the nidaqmx module.
Continuous reads are acheived by configuring the DAQ and then allowing it
to run independantly. After a specified number of samples have been read
into the DAQ buffer a callback function is called and expected to clear
the buffer.
The callback function is processed in a separate thread.
import sys
import pylab as pl
import nidaqmx as DAQmx
import time
fullData = [] #DAQ data will be agregated here
# There are two different options for the callback function
# The one used depends on which C callback helper was selected
def EveryNCallback(taskHandle, everyNsamplesEventType, nSamples) :
This callback used with EveryNCallPython_cb. This callback is
expected to handle any reads necissary to empty the buffer.
global fullData
data = DAQmx.ReadAnalogF64(taskHandle,nSamples,10.0, \
fullData += data
print "Acquired %d points. Total points: %d" % (len(data), len(fullData))
return DAQmx.Success
def ReadDoneCallback(sampsPerChanRead, dataRead) :
This callback used with ReadAnalogF64_cb. This callback is optimized
for analog reads. ReadAnalogF64_cb pre-reads the buffer and passes
a list of the resutls to this function.
global fullData
fullData += dataRead
print "Acquired %d points. Total points: %d" % (len(dataRead), len(fullData))
return 0
def main() :
nSamples = 1000 #Number of samples to read before calling Python back
h = DAQmx.CreateTask("ContAcq") #Create a new task
DAQmx.CreateAIVoltageChan(h,"Dev1/ai0","",\ #Configure to read a voltage
DAQmx.CfgSampClkTiming(h,"",10000.0,\ #Configure a continuous
DAQmx.Val_Rising,DAQmx.Val_ContSamps,\ #clock
if True :
#Optimized analog read
DAQmx.RegisterEveryNSamplesEvent(h, DAQmx.Val_Acquired_Into_Buffer,\
nSamples,0, DAQmx.ReadAnalogF64_cb,ReadDoneCallback)
else :
#Generic callback
DAQmx.RegisterEveryNSamplesEvent(h, DAQmx.Val_Acquired_Into_Buffer,\
nSamples,0, DAQmx.EveryNCallPython_cb,EveryNCallback)
#TODO: DAQmxRegisterDoneEvent callbacks are not yet supported
#Raise event when a task stops due to an error or when a finite
#acquisition task or finite generation task completes execution.
#No event raised when DAQmx.StopTask is called.
DAQmx.StartTask(h) #Begin reading
time.sleep(2.0) #Idle this thread while reading is performed
DAQmx.StopTask(h) #Stop reading
h = DAQmx.ClearTask(h) #Clear the task
#Use PyLab to plot the results
pl.plot( fullData )
if __name__ == "__main__":