This example illustrates the basics of building a Graphical User
Interface using fltk.
import sys
#Include the parent directory in the search path so that Python can
#find pyrwi
#Load the nidaqmx library and name it DAQmx so that all functions
#are available as DAQmx.function_name
import nidaqmx as DAQmx
import pyrwi #Load the PyRWI module so we can use it's graphical widgets
#pyFLTK is used to build the actual GUI
#See http://pyfltk.sourceforge.net/docs/CH0_Preface.html for more info
import fltk
#Load the math library to give us arrays and math functions
import scipy as sp
class LabWindow (fltk.Fl_Window):
Here we make our own window class based on the flkt basic window.
All of our graphical user interface will be specified here.
def __init__(self, w, h, label):
This is the constructor for this class. We will design our
Interface here.
#Call the parent constructor
fltk.Fl_Window.__init__(self, w, h, label)
#--- Menus
#The first menu will be called 'File'. There will be one item
#in that menu called 'Exit'. If the user selects 'Exit'
#then the function mnu_quit_cb in this class will be called
menuitems = (( "&File", 0, 0, 0, fltk.FL_SUBMENU ),
( "E&xit", fltk.FL_CTRL + ord('q'), self.mnu_quit_cb ),
( None, 0 ),
#The second menu will be called 'Log', it will have one item in
#it called 'Save Log'. 'Save Log' will call the mnu_log_save
( "&Log", 0, 0, 0, fltk.FL_SUBMENU ),
( "&Save Log", fltk.FL_CTRL + ord('s'), self.mnu_log_save ),
( None, 0 ),
( None, 0 )
m = fltk.Fl_Menu_Bar(0, 0, w, 30) #Create a menu Widget
m.copy(menuitems) #Assign the menu configuration
#--- Buttons
#The pyrwi.Fl_Button_Stack makes creating a seris of buttons
#easy. This stack will start at x=100 pixels (px) and y=50 px.
#Each button will be 90 px wide and 25 px high.
#pdy is short for Percent Delta Y, each new button will be 25%
#of the button height down from the last button. Use pdx
#to make buttons in a row instead of a column.
stack = pyrwi.Fl_Button_Stack(10,50,90,25,pdy=0.25)
#The first button will be called "Clear" and when it is clicked
#the function btn_clear_cb in this class will be called
#The second button is called "Add" and calls btn_addData_cb
#The third button is called "Run" and calls btn_run_cb
#Note that a different style of button is used here. This
#button will have a little on/off light
#Note also that we create a method to store this button object in.
self.run_btn = stack.addBtn("Run",self.btn_run_cb,"light")
#pyrwi.Fl_Log is a widget that makes logging program activity
#easy to do. This widget will show at the bottom of the window,
#be 150px high. Look for self.log later in this code to see
#how the log is used.
log_h = 150
self.log = pyrwi.Fl_Log(0, h-log_h, w, log_h, "Label")
#pyrwi.Fl_Plot is an extention of the PyLab plot that allows
#rapid real time plotting. Look for self.myPlot later in this
#code to see how the plot is used.
self.myPlot = pyrwi.Fl_Plot(110,40, 400,200, "DAQ Reading")
def mnu_quit_cb(self, event) :
This function is called when the Exit menu item is selected.
#This class is the top window, so hiding this window exits
#the program.
def mnu_log_save(self, event) :
This function is called when the Save Log menu item is selected.
#The log object has its own save method, we just have to tell
#it the file name to save to
def btn_run_cb(self, event) :
This function is called when the Run button is pressed.
#We can inspect the state of the button and find out if it is
#on or off
state = self.run_btn.value()
#Make a note of the state in the log
self.log.note("Pushed! Value is %d" % state)
def btn_clear_cb(self, event):
This function is called when the Clear button is pressed.
#The log can also record warnings and errors
self.log.warn("clear something!")
#Erase the current plot
def btn_addData_cb(self, event):
This function is called when the Add button is pressed.
#Use the SciPy library to make a nice sinewave.
x = sp.arange(0,1,0.01)
y = sp.sin(2*sp.pi*x)
#Data can be plotted to the Fl_Plot using the same arguments
#as the pylab.plot function uses.
if __name__ == "__main__" :
This code will only run if I run this file directly. If I load
this file as a module somewhere else this code will not run
#Create a window object
win = LabWindow(600, 500, "MyWindow")
#Show the window
win.show(1, sys.argv)
#Start the event loop and wait for an event (button press or
#menu item selection.)